With bikubo you have solved the problem of keeping track of which distributor has made the transfer collected from their sales.

We offer you a system that integrates the balance of the tickets sold with the tickets whose amount has been transferred.


How to manage the payments of the tickets sold by your distributors?

The accounting of tickets sold by a distributor is carried out automatically after each sale. The printed tickets after being scanned with our app at the time of sale, and the electronic tickets are They are counted with the shipment or generation.

When there is a payment from a distributor to their manager or administrator, it can be recorded on the intranet of the distributor, manager or administrator.

Recorded payments can be validated by the manager or administrator, depending on the recipient.

For payments, depending on their status, appropriate modifications will be allowed.

The system also shows you the data of the distributors according to the head of distributors, to also take control of the payments from the bosses to the administrator.

The system is very simple, and it does not have any additional cost, rather it is a complementary module to existing ones.

Do you want to test the system?

Sign up and you have 20 electronic tickets and 10 electronic accreditations to try the system for free. If you have any questions, contact us and you will discover the advantages of our access controls.

Sign up and try your first 20 security e-tickets for free