With the tools developed in the platform of bikubo, you can manage ticket sales and access control to a museum. Also you can enable the system management of distributors, so that you have different physical points of sale for the entrance to the museum.

Ticket sales can be online or at a physical site. With the QR or barcode shown on the ticket, access control can be carried out.


Printing of physical tickets with QR codes

The tickets you generate with bikubo can have a number (single or double) and a QR code. Add a QR code with bikubo to your printed tickets adds a series of functionalities, with which you can improve the management of your events.

  • It makes your tickets unfalsifiable. Each QR has unique information, and no two tickets with two QRs are the same. In this way, if someone makes a copy of a ticket, only one person will not be allowed to enter the event. holder of that QR.
  • You can avoid the resale of tickets, since in the control of access to the event you can show the data associated with the owner of the ticket. Our system also allows that if a person cannot attend the event, you can reassign the ticket to someone else.
  • Obtain sales statistics of printed tickets.
  • Cancel lost printed tickets.
  • Add remarks to each ticket, or to one or more sets of tickets, so that at the time of access to the event, that information is shown to the validator.
  • You can make the QR code customizable, redirecting after scanning it to a web page (for example to fill out a form), this being compatible with the functionalities indicated above.

Online ticket sales platform

Create a sales form with our platform in a simple way. Make sales forms of tickets with bikubo, they have a series of functionalities that you may find interesting.

  • You can add the fields you need.
  • Our forms allow to establish the sale of tickets for several dates, setting different prices by days of the week, or by dates, in addition to being able to configure the maximum capacity allowed. The buyer of the ticket will only have valid access for the selected date, or, if you indicate that he can access any day, it will be enabled for that form.
  • Get in touch with us, and after seeing your needs, we will indicate the commission that we charge.
  • Automatic sending of proof of attendance.

Public Relations Management System

We offer you a sales control system for public relations or points of sale, which will allows you to assign or remove tickets to them, both printed and electronic.

In addition, you can add distributor managers to the system to help you with this management. We describe a series of functionalities related to this public relations management system:

  • Add as many ticket dispensers as you need. With the registration of the distributor, a user is generated and password, so that it can access your intranet and perform the operations it requires.
  • You can indicate to the system the numbering of the printed tickets that have been assigned to each distributor (for example, for the 'GENERAL' category, tickets numbered 100 to 150 are assigned to the point of sale A).
  • The distributor scans the assigned tickets with our app before selling them (it does not require a username and password to log in to the app), and they would already appear as sold in the system. Besides, at this time you can collect data from the assistant. This scan does not affect the access validation system to the subsequent event.
  • The system for assigning electronic tickets to distributors is very simple to do. Simply indicate in your administrator intranet, for the ticket category to assign, the ticket number you want to add to the distributor. The assignment is immediate, and the distributor, in his intranet, you can send the ticket to the assistant by email, sms or whatsapp.
  • If you feel you should take tickets from a dealer, you can do so the same way you assign them, only you select the option to remove, and indicate the number of tickets to remove.
  • Our system shows you the sales statistics at all times, and indicates the allocation of tickets that there are at all times by distributors.
  • Register the heads of distributors you need. these can help you to carry out the management of distributing tickets between the points of sale, since you can enable them to give register distributors, and later distribute tickets among the distributors that depend on them.
  • So you assign tickets to each distributor manager, and he can assign them to the distributors of him, or assigns as administrator tickets to the distributors. Both systems are compatible.
  • It is also possible that the payments that have been made are indicated to the system each distributor to his boss, or to the administrator. This accounting facilitates the control of the collections of the sales by distributors.
  • The system allows you to cancel tickets (both printed and electronic) associated with each distributor, in case you require it (for example in cases of loss of printed tickets).

Do you want to test the system?

If you are part of the management team of a museum that requires our services, ask us for a quote. Sure that we adapt to your needs.

Sign up and try your first 20 safety electronic tickets