How to generate a pdf/send accreditation mails
The steps for generating a pdf/sending of accreditation mails are:
Create an event.
Create a type of accreditation.
On the detail page of the type of accreditation, there is an option that says 'Upload excel file', click on that link.
Select the option 'Generate and send by email the accreditations'.
Upload the excel file to the platform. This file to upload must follow a certain structure, so it is necessary to download the template.
Download the excel template from this link, fill in the fields at your convenience, upload the excel.
Remember that you can include in the QR column the texts that you want to show in the QR, although keep in mind that if you fill that column, there may be problems if validated with our app, by not assigning bikubo automatically the locators of the QRs.
The column observations of the excel file, it serves so that what is written there, is shown in the validation. For example, if for an attendee it is put as an observation 'Notify organization when it is validated', this message will be shown in the validator of our app.
Fields 1 to 20 of the excel, correspond to those that you have registered in the accreditation, so that if you have selected field 1 and assigned to a text to be shown in the accreditation, it will be painted over she the content of that field. In addition, you have included or not one of the nine fields in the accreditation, it is saved in database, and subsequently the fields are shown in the attendance report, and also serve for searches in the Attendant list.
You will be able to generate and send at most the number of accreditations that you have available as electronic credit balance available. After the generation and sending, the accreditations generated are available in the 'list of PDFs' jointly, and individually in the 'Attendant list'. If you need more accreditations, you can buy them.
The system will perform a series of checks, which can show you warnings (which allow you to progress although it is advised to correct them if necessary), errors (the system would not let you move forward and you should correct them) or if everything is correct.
To view the pdf, click on Menu => Events => Active => Title of the event in question => List of accreditations => Type of accreditation in question (option - List of PDFs). There the download link is displayed.
From bikubo we control the number of times that the rar files containing the pdf are downloaded, and the time of availability of the rar, to optimize the traffic and performance of the systems. We advise you to keep the pdf in a safe place. For any problem in this aspect you can send an email to
The shipment and generation that takes place with this process, gives as exit accreditations taken to size of format A4, so that the attendees can print them.