Sending/generating an electronic accreditation.

On the intranet you must follow these steps:

Click on Menu => Events => Active => Title of the event in question => List of accreditation categories => Accreditation in question (option - Send accreditation to an attendant). The screen where this function is performed is displayed.

You can send a pdf with the accreditation to the attendee, or just generate it to be shown here or in the Attendant list.

The accreditation to be generated has a number of variable text fields, depending on the registration of the accreditation. However, it is allowed to save up to twenty information fields associated with the attendee, in case the final attendance report requires that information be shown to you. In this way you can include for example the name, surname, company, position, telephone, web page, linkedin, ... of the attendee.

The observations field is enabled so that when you validate with our app, you will be shown that information entered in this field, in case it is necessary to perform some action at the time of validation by the Organization. For example, suppose you enter the information 'Advise the Organization' or 'Deliver Specific Documentation to this attendee', and the validator when validating, can perform those actions shown.

Whether you send the accreditation by email, or if you only generate it, the accreditation is still available in the Attendant list.

In case of sending by email, a text box is enabled for the introduction of the email. Enter the data, and click on 'Send ticket'. Confirm in the pop-up message that the email has been correctly entered, and an email with the attached accreditation is sent. The pdf sent is A4 size to facilitate the printing at home of the accreditation attendee.

In the case of generation and display by screen, enter the data if necessary, and click on 'Generate ticket'. Confirm the pop-up message, and a link to download the pdf is generated and displayed. The pdf generated has the size in mm indicated in the registration of the accreditation, in case you want to print with a printer adapted to it.

If you need to send the accreditation by whatsapp, enter the data if necessary, and click on 'Generate accreditation'. Confirm the pop-up message and click on the window that appears below “Send link by whatsapp”. This will show you the contact list so you can select who you want to send the download accreditation link to. The attendee should only click on the link and the accreditation will be downloaded, which can be shown for validation with our app or by web validation.